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Black Crown

Deciphering Black Crown in Diamonds: A Comprehensive Buyer's Guide

Black Crown in diamonds refers to the presence of black inclusions or impurities located within the crown—the upper part of a diamond above the girdle. Similar to Black Table characteristics, Black Crown attributes can influence a diamond’s visual appeal, particularly its brilliance and fire. Understanding our grading parameters for Black Crown, including BC0, NV, BC1, BC2, BC3, and NO BIC, is essential for making an informed purchase that aligns with your aesthetic and value expectations.

Black Crown Grading Explained
Selecting Diamonds Considering Black Crown Attributes

When choosing a diamond with black crown considerations, here are some tips:


How does black crown affect a diamond’s price?

Diamonds with pronounced black crown characteristics (BC2, BC3, NO BIC) tend to be priced lower due to their visible impact on the diamond’s appearance. Conversely, diamonds graded BC0 or NV, indicating minimal to no black crown inclusions, are valued higher.

Are certain diamond types more prone to black crown inclusions?

Black inclusions can occur in any diamond but may be more noticeable in those with fewer overall inclusions, making the black spots more prominent against a clearer background.

Is it advisable to avoid diamonds with black crown grades BC1 or BC2?

Not necessarily. The decision should balance personal aesthetics, the intended use of the diamond, and how the inclusions affect its overall appearance. Many diamonds with minor black crown inclusions still exhibit considerable beauty and brilliance.

Final Thoughts

Awareness of Black Crown in diamonds enables buyers to make choices that reflect their standards for beauty and quality. By considering black crown grades in the context of the diamond’s total attributes, you can select a gemstone that delights visually and meets your value expectations. Remember, the perfect diamond is one that captures your heart, balancing its unique characteristics with your personal preferences. Start your diamond selection journey here !

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